

Active Ingredients:

Zinc oxide, Witch Hazel extract, Ichtiol in an ointment base containing lanoline.

Range of application:

Use on blemishes, dermal papillas and on follicular inflammations as well as on exudative processes.

Mode of Action:

Remedi has a bacteriostatic, desiccating and detoxifying effect.

Directions of Use:

Remedi is to be applied locally in the evening after cleansing with Phase I and after applying Phase 2 and or Phase 3.

An expert on Rosel Heim Products should determine the duration and mode of application after an analysis of the individual and current state of the skin.


The product should not be use by people known to be allergic to lanoline.


In case of inflammations that cannot be clarified by your cosmetician, a dermatologist should be contacted.